The Summer Cleanse focuses on detoxification and rejuvenation of the heart and small intestine. Summer is a time of expansion, vibrancy, social outings, exploration of the outer world and nature, and celebration. We feel free, get in shape, relax and take time to enjoy life and holidays. This cleanse is designed to activate circulation, strengthen your heart, clear the arteries, normalize cholesterol and blood pressure, induce calm and relaxation and improve sleep. It will remove potential irritants to your digestive system and decrease inflammation in the GI tract, improving absorption. The recommended diet is nutrient dense – sufficient in protein yet high in minerals and antioxidants to slow down the aging process. The Summer is the perfect time to begin a cleansing program for the heart and small intestine, because they are associated with the summer season and may be more vulnerable to an imbalance at this time.
Results you can expect:
- improved circulation
- clarity of mind
- increased energy
- decreased food cravings
- diminished food allergies
- improved digestion
- healthy bowel movements
- clear skin
- decreased cholesterol and decreased blood pressure