The Spring Cleanse focuses on detoxification and rejuvenation of the liver and gallbladder. Spring is a time for new beginnings. All around us the momentum of growth is apparent. Shoots erupt from the earth, flowers reveal their beauty, bees distribute precious gifts of pollen, buds and leaves burst forth, and animals delight in the business of procreation. Spring invites us to redefine who we are and what we want to create. After cocooning ourselves in winter, we are ready. The next cycle of our lives has begun. This is the perfect time to start a new project or finish an old one. Clean out your closets and refresh your wardrobe. Redefine your relationships and rebuild your nest. Express and release any anger, frustration or depression that has been blocking you and get on with it.
Results you can expect:
- Increased energy
- Less triggered by stress
- Decreased joint pain and body aches
- Improved vision
- Improved sleep
- Easier weight loss
- Menstrual cycle regulated
- Reduction in headaches, neck and shoulder pain
- Improved digestion
- Reduction in anger or irritability