Created by Sat Dharam Kaur ND
Access your inner wisdom through the practice of Kundalini Yoga and the teachings of Guru Nanak
Registrations Open for Sutradhar Program 2025
Program Dates: January 11, 2025 to December 6, 2025

View recording of our Free Info Session

Introducing Sutradhar


Welcome to Sutradhar - Be the Architect of Your Life.

The word is derived from Sutra, which means thread and Dhar, or wielder.

Sutradhar is an invitation to engage deeply with the design of your life, congruent with your values, your spirit, your gifts, the greater community, and the possibility that is ripening right now within you.

The program is intended for anyone committed to self-determination, self-agency, transformation, and self-realization.

Program Dates: January 11, to December 6, 2025

Each of us has access to truth, and to inner guidance, even if you are a beginner on the path. We will take refuge in selections from the sacred writings of Guru Nanak, a universal teacher respected by Hindus, Sufis, Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, and yogis, for inspiration.


Access your truth and inner guidance.
Align, Attune Accept and Act to be the architect of your life.
A free Information Session with Sat Dharam Kaur was held
on October 6, 2024

View recording of our Free Info Session

I invite you to join me and others from around the world in this journey called,

Sutradhar - Be the Architect of Your Life.

• 4 modules throughout the year, approximately 12 hours each

• Follow-up integration session after each module

The space between the modules gives you an opportunity to apply and engage with the material.

The result will be enhanced stability, intuition, clarity, sense of meaning and purpose, vitality, resilience and connection. I look forward to experiencing this with you.


Introduction to the program

The Sutradhar Program Structure

The program is structured in 4 modules, like the acts of a play, with participation throughout a full year. Each segment expands your capacity to be the designer and architect of your life, and to show up wholeheartedly as You, the lead player.

Program Fees

For individuals interested and committed to being the architect of their own life, we are offering various payment options.

  • The regular fee is $900 CAD
  • A payment plan of $225 CAD spread across 4 months
  • Repeaters fees for participants who has attended Sutradhar once is $400 CAD
  • For people in need of financial assistance we are offering a limited number of subsidies of $400 CAD, until January 8, 2025 midnight ET (Toronto time)
  •  For the participants who have taken the program atleast twice, are our SutraStars; offered $150 CAD

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Regular Fee
Payment Plan
Repeater's Fee

About the Creator

Sat Dharam Kaur is a naturopathic doctor, author and Kundalini yoga teacher, trainer and practitioner. She has studied Kundalini Yoga since 1976 and has facilitated teacher training programs in Canada and throughout the world. She has been called a “teacher of teachers and healer of healers”.

She has developed and taught international programs that combine Naturopathic Medicine with Kundalini Yoga, such as the Beyond Addiction Program, the Healthy Breast Program and the Four Season Yoga Cleanse. Since 2018 she has been working closely with Dr. Gabor Maté to develop the Compassionate Inquiry Program, a year-long psychotherapeutic training for therapists to heal trauma, illness and addiction.

Images from other programs of Sat Dharam Kaur

Sutradhar encapsulates, simply and effectively, decades of yogic practice and experience to access the core essence in each of us and to support engagement in meaningful action.

Together we will explore Self-Inquiry, Mantra, Pranayama, Group Discussion, Kundalini Yoga and Community.

The program progression will encourage you to :


Overview of the modules 

Module 1: Align

Align means to set in order the elements of our lives, putting things in their proper position. We will look at how to begin and end our day in alignment with Self; what and how we eat; and how to bring the body into alignment through exercises to develop the flexibility of the spine. We will explore what it means to align with our authentic expression, values and purpose while remaining connected to wholeness.


Module 2: Attune

Attunement means to listen with one’s being – the senses, the heart, the spirit, the body, to the inner guidance and messages that are available to us in each moment. This deep listening can be cultivated through concentration on the breath; on what arises in the body; and through the chanting of mantra. When we are attuned we recognize what is ours to do and to express, the right action that beckons us in the unfolding now.


Module 3: Accept

Acceptance means to have equanimity with what is, without resistance. We accept all parts of the personality, without making any of them wrong. We accept others as they are, without needing to change them. We accept each situation as it occurs, as something uniquely ours, and as an opportunity to align, attune and act. We accept pain, hurt and even shame, as aspects of the human journey. Simultaneously we acknowledge our potential, the light within us, that wants to burn brightly and shine in the world, and accept the hukam or ‘divine order’ as it is revealed to us.


Module 4: Act

Once we are aligned, attuned and have received and accepted the divine order, we are ready to act. We act wholeheartedly, with our full self. Our actions are woven into the fabric of wholeness for the greater good – for humanity, all species, the earth, the elements, the present and the future. We actively engage in service with courage, commitment and consistency until our task is complete.

Throughout all the ages, there is one form.

- Guru Nanak

What You Will Gain

1. Each workshop will provide you with opportunities to access your being through the practice of kundalini yoga, meditation and breathing exercises, even if you are a beginner on this journey.

2. Handouts on both the yoga techniques and background information will be provided.

3. Each stage of the program builds on the previous one, and incorporates a different theme. Woven together, the themes and practices support personal development, loving self-discipline and self-determination.

4. You are invited to join weekly live Kundalini Yoga classes conducted by Sat Dharam on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 6:30am – 8:00am ET (Toronto time). Register in advance for these classes here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the class.

5. Additionally, you can also attend Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) every day from 4:15am to 6:30am ET. Here we practice the classic Aquarian Sadhana, consisting of a 25 minute recitation of the Sikh prayer, Japji Sahib, followed by 30 minutes of Kundalini Yoga and an hour of chanting. Here is a pdf of Japji to read along with. Here are the words to the Sadhana MantrasHere is the link to register for Sadhana. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining sadhana.

6. Together we will build a supportive and purposeful community where each person can express their uniqueness, share their process and growth, and contribute to the greater good.

Inspiration for Sutradhar

In ancient Indian theatre, the stage manager or director of the play was known as a sutradhar (सूत्रधार). The word is derived from the roots, sutra (सूत्र) meaning string or thread, and dhar (धार) or wielder. Sutradhar refers to the one who controls the organization and execution of the play, like a puppeteer.

Our lives are like a play, and we are the actors on the stage. We can also be the directors, co-creating our evolution in alignment with Source, and supported by one another, as sangat or spiritual family.

The program includes pranayama, kundalini yoga, meditation, and the sacred writings of Guru Nanak.

Kundalini Yoga originated in India and has evolved over thousands of years. Kundalini Yoga is a dynamic, scientific and ancient system combining breathing, movement, stretching, postures, meditation, the use of sound and rhythm, relaxation and meditation. It develops the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual fitness required to navigate the challenging times we currently face. Practicing daily can align and attune you to your true Self and your calling now and throughout your life.

Images courtesy: Sat Dharam Kaur

Guru Nanak

Gurū Nānak was born in 1469 to a Hindu family and was recognized as an illuminated being as a young man. He travelled on foot for years at a time across Asia, teaching and singing hymns in praise of One creative consciousness, ever-present, constantly creating.

He taught that all life was sacred, and upheld values of equality, justice, selfless service, and sharing one's abundance with others.

He was honoured by Hindus, Muslims, Sufis and Buddhists, and his followers came to be known as Sikhs. He encouraged them to rise early in the morning to chant sacred mantras and hymns, and to maintain the connection to the Divine in each breath through the repetition of mantra.

Nanak's teachings are encoded in poetic hymns, or shabda, including the morning prayer known as Japji, which means, 'Meditate, oh soul'.

 Passages from the Japji prayer of Guru Nanak will be used as inspiration on our journey together.

I invite you to join me and others from around the world in this journey called, Sutradhar - Be the Architect of Your Life.

Program Fees

For individuals interested and committed to being the architect of their own life, we are offering various payment options.

  • The regular fee is $900 CAD
  • A payment plan of $225 CAD spread across 4 months
  • Repeaters fees for participants who has attended Sutradhar once is $400 CAD
  • For people in need of financial assistance we are offering a limited number of subsidies of $400 CAD, until January 8, 2025 midnight ET (Toronto time)
  •  For the participants who have taken the program atleast twice, are our SutraStars; offered $150 CAD

Click here to convert to your currency

Regular Fee
Payment Plan
Repeater's Fee

Important Information

General Guidelines

  1. A Certificate of Attendance will be provided to all registrants after the completion of the program.
  2. Access to recordings of all the live sessions conducted by Sat Dharam Kaur will be provided. The breakout rooms will not be recorded.
  3. The sessions involve movement and breathing practices, so we recommend that you remain well hydrated and wear comfortable and loose clothing.
  4. You will need a yoga mat, drinking water & a journal to write in.
  5. Be in a quiet, undistracted, well-lit space and with enough room for movement.
  6. The entire event will be conducted in English.
  7. All the sessions will take place through Zoom, to participate fully do make sure you have the latest version installed (click here).
  8. It is ideal to connect through a computer or pad and not through the phone.
  9. The Zoom room will be open 15 minutes prior to starting time, do join early so we can begin on time.
  10. We have participants from across the world, from different ethnicities, countries, backgrounds and age groups. To build connection, safety and a container for us all, we would request that you keep your cameras on throughout the sessions and be fully present.
  11. The entire program (other than breakout rooms) will be recorded and by participating you are consenting to be recorded by Sutradhar and team. The program recording will only be shared with those who have registered.
  12. A course page access link will be sent to participants upon registration for accessing the recordings, resources and all other relevant program information.
  13. We request that you do not share any of the Sutradhar course content with those not registered.
  14. For any technical questions or support required, please contact the tech team. They will have ‘Tech Team’ mentioned on their Zoom backgrounds.
  15. During the sessions, all participants will be muted. We encourage you to use the chat feature for responding or for asking questions.


Cancellation Policy

This is an experiential program with a limited number of spaces available. If you wish to withdraw from the program before January 15, 2023, you will be given a full refund (minus a $100 cancellation fee). No refunds are allowed on or after January 15. No exceptions. The fee is also non-transferable.


Terms and conditions

  1. The Sutradhar event organizers reserve the right to approve or deny any application, and/or accept or reject the participation of any person in its sole discretion and in accordance with its policies and the law.
  2. The registration forms require you to share your contact information to receive informative and promotional material from Sutradhar.
  3. You submit that you are a legal adult in the country of your residency.
  4. You understand that your identity will be known to other participants over online medium.
  5. You consent to not record the session in any audio-video or electronic format, though you may take notes for your personal learning.
  6. You agree to maintain confidentiality of what occurs during the event, respecting the privacy of other participants.
  7. The organizers reserve the right to moderate the session and approve/dis-approve any questions and/or participation in the interest of the safety of the group.
  8. You acknowledge that the content and information viewed and consumed by you is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks or other proprietary rights. You agree to comply with all copyright and trademark laws.
  9. You acknowledge that the recorded contents of the events are the property of Sutradhar. You shall at no time assert any claim of ownership over the content by reason of your use of or right to use this site.
  10. You acknowledge that you can view and use the content on this site solely for your personal, and non-commercial use. Copying and re-distribution of the content of this site on any other site, including by linking or framing, or in any networked computer environment for any purpose is prohibited.
  11. You acknowledge that this site provides links to other website content for your convenience. Our decision to link to other sites is not an endorsement of the content to the linked site. You should take caution before downloading material from any linked sites and if you do so it is at your own risk.
  12. By participating in this program, you are agreeing to do so voluntarily. Sutradhar holds no liability or responsibility for your participation or involvement in any demonstration, exercise or consultation, and you accept that any result or no result may occur due to your participation or involvement.
View recording of our Free Info Session

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For any queries or questions please write to [email protected]